Should I launch an Apple Car for self-driving? a wheeled living room project. surpass the innovation of iPhone

2023. 5. 18. 18:07car


1. Apple Car Beyond Innovation in Apple's
2. Apple Car's 'Ready Living Room' Project
3. Showing perfect level 3 self driving?
4. When will the Apple Car be released?


Apple's iPhone. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the most loved smartphone in the world. However, the larger the capacity, the more wickedly expensive it becomes, so it is a concern. That's what Apple's iPhone is like anyway.


Apple Car Level 3 Autonomous Driving
Apple Car Level 3 Autonomous Driving


However, Apple's launch of electric vehicles drew attention once again. However, as it was delayed day by day, it actually became "come out or not." And honestly, I don't think the design is cool at all.


Apple Car Level 3
Apple Car Level 3


Apple car. It's really. The balance is not seriously right, but the wheels are also very big. When I was young, I said that in 2000, a wheelless car would appear and fly in the sky...Rather, only the wheels got bigger.


1. Apple Car To Be Beyond Innovation In Apple iPhone

It's been a while since the news broke that Apple Car is planning to introduce a large iPad inside the vehicle. Citing unnamed sources, foreign media Auto Evolution mentioned a new patent application document for Apple cars.


Apple Car To Be Beyond Innovation In Apple iPhone
Apple Car To Be Beyond Innovation In Apple iPhone

According to the document, Apple Car passengers have the great feature of being able to work, access apps, and collaborate with others while traveling through smart table devices.

Apple recently submitted a document to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, which says it includes this and shows in advance how Apple organizes the interior of the vehicle into an office space.


Well, in fact, these days, electric cars input a lot of different functions for innovation, and Apple seems to be focused on work. The smart table can also be placed in the center of the cabin between the first and second row seats like a living room table.

This allows passengers to use a huge iPad and access the app individually. To this end, Apple Car's interior is expected to be completely innovative.


2. Apple Car's 'Ready Living Room' Project

Apple says it aims to transform the interior of the vehicle into a 'wheeled living room. It's full of screens, comfortable seats, and high-tech spaces that allow you to relax or work without worrying about the interior or driving.


Apple Car's 'Ready Living Room' Project
Apple Car's 'Ready Living Room' Project


According to the latest news, the interior of the Apple car is likely to follow the realistic interior design of the vehicle, contrary to its initial goals. In other words, it is expected that existing vehicle devices, including steering wheels and pedals, will be applied.


3. Showing perfect level 3 self driving?

Self-driving technology seems essential for future electric vehicles. There is no complete level 3 self-driving electric vehicle yet. I recently said that the modern g90 will also be equipped with level 3 autonomous driving, but it is not perfect, so I re-examined.


Showing perfect level 3 self driving?
Showing perfect level 3 self driving?


In the end, R&D by automakers is currently in full swing for a perfect level 3. Wouldn't it be that difficult to see that billions of cars still don't have the perfect level 3 autonomous driving technology?


4. When will the Apple Car be released?

Apple cars, which will be released between 2029 and 2030, are expected to be fully autonomous, and if related bills are prepared, the idea of a huge iPad table and a "wheel-drive living room" can be realized.

Although Apple Car's innovative interior design and self-driving technology are expected to change the driving experience and provide more convenience and relaxation for passengers.


It's 2029..Of course, there are many people who say that there is not much time left, but will Apple make such a car by then? Even now, automakers are actively researching electric vehicles and autonomous driving.


Apple Car. I wonder if this car will be launched in a short time.
